GTA 5 Bravado Bison

GTA 5 Bravado Bison - front view
Bravado Bison, this four-door pickup available in GTA 5 and GTA Online.

Thanks to the engine F4V8, with a volume of 5.7 liter capacity of 600 horsepower, this pickup truck, weighing more than two tons, capable of accelerating to quite decent 209 km/h, accelerating from zero to 100 km/h in 7.7 seconds. All-wheel drive chassis provides good handling on the roads, it is sufficient to Bison could successfully participate in the races. Huge torque allows the truck to easily climb steep slopes, and the power of the engine was quite clearly demonstrated when Michael and Franklin, with the help of this machine, brought down from the hill, a mansion belonging to the newly made wife lover Michael.

In the game there are three variants of this car, differing only in appearance:

Normal version:

GTA 5 Bravado Bison - front view GTA 5 Bravado Bison - side view GTA 5 Bravado Bison - rear view
Bison firm McGill-Olsen Construction:

GTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - front view GTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - side view GTA 5 Bravado Bison McGill - rear view
Bison firm The Mighty Bush:

GTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - front view GTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - side view GTA 5 Bravado Bison Mighty Bush - rear view
The actual prototypes for Bravado Bison served: 12th generation Ford F-150, and 4th generation Dodge Ram. The car can often be seen throughout the map, especially on major highways. Buying over the Internet costs $30 000.

Features Bravado Bison GTA 5.

Speed 209 km/h (130 mph)
Weight 2100 kg
Capacity 6 people
Engine petrol
Drivetrain AWD
Brake force distribution 55/45
Damage in the collision 100%
Damage during the deformation of the body 80%
Damaging small arms 100%
Damaging the engine 150%
The purchase price in GTA Online $30000
The price of legal sale $18000
The illegal sale price $3000

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