Nagasaki Blazer Aqua from GTA Online

Nagasaki Blazer Aqua from GTA Online
Nagasaki Blazer Aqua  – amphibious version of the Blazer, added in GTA Online to be updated "Import/Export".

The model borrows some features from the appearance of the ATV amphibious Gibbs Quadski and, as expected, the Blazer Aqua is suitable for movement on land and at sea. On its tires visible circular protrusions ("bumps") – that gives him more opportunities as the SUV.

Nagasaki Blazer Aqua from GTA Online front view Nagasaki Blazer Aqua from GTA Online side view Nagasaki Blazer Aqua from GTA Online rear view
Blazer Aqua is equipped with two machine guns, peering from under the headlights. As already noted, he's good on land and at sea (which makes this model very practical), being very agile on the ground, and a lot fast in the water (able to keep pace with the boat or even overtake it); with folding wheels Blazer Aqua something like "Nebuchadnezzar" from the movie "the Matrix", and your character (in colorful shorts and sunglasses) will look like a sort of "hipstamatic" rider space ship era of postelement (keeping only the side effects of humanity itself in the form of a handful of survivors).

This form of transport, in accordance with the description given by him Warstock Cache & Carry – suitable for weak-sighted from birth, the inhabitants near the lake of Alam-si, famous for its adverse environmental condition, promising them absolute safety when traveling in this highly contaminated water. Well, I guess this is speaks for itself.

Characteristics of Nagasaki Blazer Aqua from GTA Online

Speed -
Weight -
Capacity 1 person
Engine -
Drivetrain -
Brake force distribution -
Damage in the collision -
Damage during the deformation of the body -
Damaging small arms -
Damaging the engine -
The purchase price GTA Online $1755600
The price of legal sale -
The illegal sale price -

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