Buckingham Alpha-Z1 from GTA Online

Buckingham Alpha-Z1 from GTA Online
Buckingham Alpha-Z1 – plane, added to the GTA Online update "Smuggler`s Run".

Alpha-Z1 shodstve with Reberry 3M1C1R, borrowed from the wide nose and the positioning of the front chassis, with the result that the clearance between the belly of the aircraft and the ground virtually disappears.

Buckingham Alpha-Z1 from GTA Online front view Buckingham Alpha-Z1 from GTA Online side view Buckingham Alpha-Z1 from GTA Online rear view
Color scheme involves two colors: main color covers the fuselage, wings and stabilizers, and a secondary compartment for the engine, as well as elements, where there are hidden wheels. Alpha-Z1 is one of the fastest aircraft available in the game, and even superior in speed and Hydra P-996 LAZER, plus the above, has a short takeoff distance. However, you should be careful in managing them, as this model is very sensitive to any attempts to change the trajectory: one awkward movement will bend the trajectory so much that you risk to feel in the shoes of a hamster, stuck a paw in a vicious circle that continues to spin while you helplessly stand still with him, lying on his belly. Alpha-Z1 has a 4-cylinder engine.

Characteristics of Buckingham Alpha-Z1 from GTA Online

Speed -
Weight -
Capacity 1 person
Engine four-cylinder
Drivetrain -
Brake force distribution -
Damage in the collision -
Damage during the deformation of the body -
Damaging small arms -
Damaging the engine -
The purchase price GTA Online $2121350
The price of legal sale -
The illegal sale price -

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