Grain Trailer from GTA Online

Grain Trailer from GTA Online
Grain Trailer – tipper trailer, available in GTA V.

This model represents a two-axle semi-trailer designed for transportation of grain. For these purposes, the Grain Trailer has enough volume body. However, despite its primary task (transportation of grain), for which the trailer was invented – its roomy body is always empty. Why? Because.

Grain Trailer from GTA Online front view Grain Trailer from GTA Online side view Grain Trailer from GTA Online rear view
The only vehicle that can tow a Grain Trailer is a Fieldmaster. If you've never seen Fieldmaster, in short - is utterly charming tractor, so charmingly that it makes it look like a toy car taken from the children's shelves. With examined his twin the yellow trailer wheel rims, and coupled with Grain Trailer – it looks like something quintessentially. And Fieldmaster and our semi-trailer have very similar colors: body – green, wheels yellow, as already noted. In General, harmony.

Characteristics of Grain Trailer from GTA 5

Weight 3000kg
The coefficient of air resistance 10
Water immersion 80%
Damage from a collision 80%
Weapon damage 100%
Damage from the strain 20%
Price 40000$

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