GTA 5 Sea Sparrow

Sea Sparrow GTA 5 Online
Sea Sparrow is the very light civilian helicopter that appears in GTA Online with the release of the Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series.

For many players appearance in the game is this engineering marvel was not a big surprise, because it repeatedly can be found in the previous parts. Its excellent flight characteristics makes it easy to fulfil different tasks. Moreover, for some, it became a pet, so now it will be very interesting to see how the guys from Rockstar brought this baby into the new chart. So get ready to learn how to open in GTA 5 Online Sea Sparrow.

And it is very simple, because the helicopter available in the shop, absolutely anyone, would be money. And the price for it compared to other flying units, you can say that very low. Although in General this price is really a good sport car. But, any aircraft is better car. So, how to buy in GTA 5 Online Sea Sparrow. It is sold in the store Elitas Travel at any time of the day, and can be ordered through the online website of the company. The price will be 1 815 000 GTA$.

Sea Sparrow GTA 5 Online front view Sea Sparrow GTA 5 Online the side view Sea Sparrow GTA 5 Online rear view
But what if the helicopter is not really suitable for your purposes? If you suddenly disappointed in him and everything became you? In other words how to sell in GTA 5 Online Sea Sparrow? Unfortunately it should be noted that this action is not intended by the game developers. All purchased helicopters will be in, and get rid of them, no way. So think carefully before you spend so much money.

Appearance in real life Sea Sparrow is a helicopter, like the Bell Model 47 “Sioux”. It is based only on this model, but were made some improvements. So the Sea Sparrow in real life is quite an existing thing. You can even verify this yourself by typing a search query.

The cost and characteristics of GTA V Sea Sparrow

Speed 210 km/h
Weight 3500 kg
Capacity 2 persons
Engine -
Drivetrain -
Brake force distribution -
Damage in the collision -
Damage during the deformation of the body -
Damaging small arms -
Damaging the engine -
The purchase price GTA Online $1815000
The price of legal sale -
The illegal sale price -

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