GTA 5 MTL Future Shock Cerberus

MTL Future Shock Cerberus GTA 5
Before you car MTL Future Shock Cerberus for GTA 5 Online which is part of a large-scale renovation of Arena Wars.

A huge barrel of fuel on wheels. A couple of flamethrowers, spray this fuel in all directions. Powerful engine and bumper, allowing you to sweep away everything in its path. It's not a machine, but a real armored train on wheels. Looks very intimidating as and its characteristics. The machine is suitable for the destruction of all life around, particularly the representatives of hostile civilizations. If you are a representative of one of them - beware. Well, or rather, sit behind the wheel and destroy all with Hellfire.

If you decide to catch MTL Future Shock Cerberus in real life, you will be disappointed, because this is purely a fantastic car. Unfortunately, such a machine can exist only in movies or festivals fans - and how the layout. But in General, it is based in its design on Peterbuilt 281 with a tank as a body. Where to find in GTA 5 Online such a machine? Play with other players and try to take it away from them, another way to find no.

MTL Future Shock Cerberus front view MTL Future Shock Cerberus side view MTL Future Shock Cerberus back view
But best to find out how to buy in GTA 5 Online such a car is much easier to do than to run around looking for him all over the map with virtually zero probability. True, he pretty much is - to do a full tuning will have to pay about four million. But the car is worth it, believe me! You can buy in Arena Workshop.

After spending so much money you can disappointed to ask how to sell MTL Future Shock Cerberus in GTA 5, but we can only you answer what to do in the game, the developers have not provided this opportunity. So carefully use your millions to regret later.

To ensure that appearance in real life MTL Future Shock Cerberus is absolutely fabulous - just look at the movies about Mad max, or turn on Duel. You will find something in common in cars from there, though it's still not too much. Maybe you should add to the list with science fiction.

The cost and characteristics of GTA V MTL Future Shock Cerberus

Speed 160 km/h
Weight 6500 kg
Capacity 2 persons
Engine FR SOCH V8
Drivetrain RWD
Brake force distribution 0.25
Damage in the collision -
Damage during the deformation of the body -
Damaging small arms -
Damaging the engine -
The purchase price GTA Online $2910000 - $3870300
The price of legal sale -
The illegal sale price -

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