British blogger hated by GTA fans

GTA 6 news
Brad Burton is a British coach who specializes in motivational slogans. The basis of his messages are statements like "You can do anything", "the Main thing is not to give up" and so on. It is somewhat similar to Russian bloggers who constantly publish so-called literary works in which they tell how and where you can earn a lot of money.

Brad Burton
Apparently, interest in his person somewhat faded, and so he decided to go for a Frank trick, namely, to throw in the Internet community news about GTA 6.

"Some people were wondering why I was gone for several months. Now I can give you an answer. I'm absolutely thrilled with GTA 6: Rockstar Games for a reason put so much effort into creating the next version of the game."

Brad Burton tweet about GTA 6
According to Burton, the action of GTA VI will take place only in London. Moreover, he claims that his absence is due to the fact that he worked for several months as a voice actor for one of the three main characters. Burton claims that the release of the sixth part of the game about the great car thieves is scheduled for the third quarter of 2021, and the new version will be released immediately on all gaming platforms.

It goes without saying that gamers immediately realized that this was a fake, and publicly exposed the British motivator. There were so many aggressive comments that Burton gave up and deleted the sensational tweet from his account, along with a poster that flaunts none other than himself. He later admitted that he was just "joking" with fans of the game.

Grand Theft Auto 6
By the way, recently the developers themselves, answering the question about the release date of the sixth part, called to follow the news on their official website. And this, perhaps, will be the most reliable source of information, rather than any kind of dubious resources. The project is most likely to be released no earlier than 2022 or 2023, and will initially be released for a new generation of game consoles, and later – for PCs.

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