How to fly on Deluxo in GTA 5?

Deluxo in GTA 5

Dozens of models of trucks, cars, several models and types of motorcycles, a lot of bikes, planes, and helicopters – all of these can be tried to drive in the fifth part of the game from the Grand Theft Auto series. Most of the car models don't stand out for something special and have fairly miserable speed characteristics. If desired, there are several sports cars you can find in the game, riding on which is more interesting.

Deluxo in GTA 5
All available in the game cars are opened from the beginning of the plot, but there are cars that you have to buy on your own. One of these models is Delorian, the cult car from the movie "Back to the future". Many of people remember it for its futuristic look, so it has millions of fans around the world. The developers of GTA couldn't get around this model and added in the fifth part of the game the identical car called Deluxo. In addition to the fact that it has good speed characteristics, this car has the ability to fly.

Many of people are wondering how to fly a Deluxo in GTA 5? Flying car Deluxo in GTA 5 online is available to all players, and immediately after its purchase, you can fly on it over the city. Deluxo hasn't a huge flight speed, but it has good maneuverability. For the flight, it is enough to stop on a spacious territory and switch to the appropriate mode by the assigned key. After that, the Deluxo's wheels will tighten, and the flight mode will be activated.

Flight in GTA 5

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