Throw the report in GTA 5 online

How to throw a report in GTA 5

How to report a player in GTA 5 Online

With the release of the multiplayer mode for GTA 5, the game became a little more difficult the play. The problem is in some of its players that use cheats and ruin everyone else’s experience. Rockstar is obviously interested in blocking such players, so in this article we’ll show you how to report players in GTA Online.

How to throw a report in GTA 5
If you’ve encountered cheating or any other misbehavior while playing the game, do the following:
  • Write a ticket at
  • Make sure to specify the platform on which you’re playing.
  • Include the cheating player’s nickname in your letter.
  • Describe the situation to the best of your knowledge.
  • Remember to write down the date when the incident happened.
  • You can add some screenshots to back up your story.
How to throw a report in GTA 5
If the fact of cheating is established, the player will be banned from the game. Tickets may take some time to be processed, so be patient. Keep in mind that not all players that kill you in the game are cheaters, they might just have better weapons and higher levels than you.

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