Rockstar bans hackers in GTA Online

The latest news in GTA Online
A series of bans, microtransactions and gift sets in GTA Online

Rockstar bans hackers, introduces new microtransaction
and continues to give gifts in GTA Online

Rockstar initially turned on the snow, with the snowfall in Los Santos has been hit by a series of bans. For all "lovers detours", that is hackers. Hackers in the game really a lot, and accomplished fair trial, unfortunately, only temporarily solved the problem. There on the other side of the screen, our enemies will soon reconvene to deliver another blow to the gameplay, but in the next couple of weeks, GTA Online players can the kind not to worry.

By the way, suggest you rather go in the game, after Rockstar continued to pour gifts. This time you will receive a gift set including the mask of Krampus, gun, firing fireworks (and 10 shells to it to boot) and randomly cute shirt for your character.

Gift set in GTA Online

A set of three new microtransactions in GTA Online

The other day, without much about the ad, Rockstar has released three new starter pack for GTA Online, like recently they have submitted the initial set of "Criminal organization" that includes the game content in excess of 10M GTA $. What is the salt new starter packs? In addition to the offices, the bunkers and coolest cars there are also payment cards Shark Card, namely the Great White, Whale Shark and Megalodon Shark Card that increases the amount of game currency.

Starter kits in GTA Online
There you have it. The last time Rockstar announced a lot of cool add-ons and gift shares - which only cost them the recent DLC Doomsday! It is obvious that the company has for a long time is not going to part with their flagship project (of course, we mean the GTA) and trying to support it.

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