GTA 6 new information

GTA 6 new information

Even though it came out quite a while ago, many players still play GTA 5 while waiting for the next game in the series. Rockstar is known for their secrecy about projects that they’re working on, so there isn’t much information about GTA 6 as of 2019 However, there were some leaks from reliable sources that started a large amount of rumors about the new game.

As far as we know, GTA 6 is in beta right now. There’s a number of different cities being thrown around in discussions about the setting of GTA 6 The new game will probably be even more realistic.

GTA 6 new information
The singleplayer campaign is going to be a serious criminal story, yet with a comical and satirical twist inherent to Rockstar. It goes without saying that there will be numerous new features and enhanced graphics in GTA 6.

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