6 GTA and open world

6 GTA and open world

Not much is known about GTA 6, but one thing is certain – there will be a ton of freedom. You’ll be able to move around the world however you like and take part in all sorts of new activities and competitions. Some sources say that we might even see a time travelling feature in the game.

6 GTA and open world
As far as we know, you’ll be playing as an up-and-coming drug lord operating in Liberty City. As the game progresses, you’ll get access to other cities, including Vice City and Los Santos. Naturally, players will have to do all sorts of dirty work and commit a ton of crimes in order to reach their goal. There is no information about the release date as of now, however the game is expected to come out after the release of next-gen consoles, which is scheduled for 2020-2021.

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