Details about Grand Theft Auto 6

Details about Grand Theft Auto 6

In this article, you can learn some information about GTA 6
  1. The game has been in development for at least 7 years. However, all the intense work started around 2015, which leaves us with 4 years – clearly not enough to make a large game.
  2. Rockstar involved all its studios in the development of the new GTA game.
  3. The codename for the game is Project America.
  4. The game will probably feature multiple large cities, including Vice City and Liberty City.
  5. The gameplay will have some realistic elements as well as some arcady elements.
  6. The main protagonist could be female, although that’s just a rumor.
  7. The game could be set in 70s or 80s.
  8. Apparently, there will be a major sequence in a prison that will play an important role in the game.
  9. Weather conditions will have more effect on gameplay.
  10. The developers were allegedly inspired by Narcos, a show on Netflix.
  11. There will be an amazing soundtrack that will recreate the atmosphere of the 70s and the 80s.
Details about Grand Theft Auto 6

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