Plymouth Belvedere Station Wagon 1965 NYPD

Plymouth Belvedere Station Wagon in 1965 New York Police Departament for GTA San Andreas. Powerful car, which will necessarily run girls when You eat them!

Free download mod Plymouth Belvedere Station Wagon in 1965 New York Police Departament for GTA San Andreas the links below, and the proposed model Police LV replace any pleasing You!

Author Len.812
Brand Plymouth
Model Belvedere
Car type Passenger car
Car body style Station wagon
Drive type Rear wheels (RWD)
Model to replace Police LV
Replace model files copcarvg.dff (5.79mb)
copcarvg.txd (3.61mb)

 Views: 3.7k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/60)
 Downloads: 453

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