Igor Tonet presents - Infinite flight

Igor Tonet - Infinite flight
Meet the new video from our partner gaming channel Igor Drowning! This time he will teach us to fly in the style of Superman in GTA Online.

GTA Online on PS4, XB1 and PC: glitch on Flight
Always dreamed of flying like a bird? At least and GTA Online. Thanks to this video, now there is nothing easier! To fly the way the video describes you will have to go to the video's page on YouTube, then follow links to the Social Club and bookmark the mission to your account, then you will only need to run the game and follow the instructions in the video. After that you will get the opportunity to fly around the world of GTA Online as long as you want without any transport and collapse on unsuspecting opponents like a bolt from the sky. The glitch will work on the 1.33 patch

As you can see on the gaming channel Igor Tonet there is not only a video about the glitches in various unique costumes, but that's such a cool things previously possible only with the help of mods for GTA 5, and then only in off-line mode. Be sure to go to his channel and check out other videos on GTA Online and not only! As well, we recommend you to subscribe to not miss new interesting videos on his channel.

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