GTA 5 Stock Market

How to earn money on the stock market in GTA 5
Computer game GTA 5 offers its gamers a great variety of functions, explicit and hidden features, that are accessible to advance in the game. One possibility, that is known almost by every gamer, is a GTA 5 stock market. Here everyone can participate in trading on the stock market and feel itself as a real wolf of the New York Wall street stock exchange. As in real life, the price of stock constantly changes and it is affected by various events in the game. The result of your completed mission affects the stock price, it either rises or falls critically.

Let's understand the working principle and the rules of participation in trading on the GTA 5 stock market.

LCN and BAWSAQ Stock Markets in GTA 5

GTA 5 has 2 different markets — LCN and BAWSAQ. LCN market is the exchange of a single game. The prices of securities on this exchange depend on a one-man team. The growth and the fall of the prices is influenced by the time in which you passed the mission, the result of the completed certain phase of the mission, as well as your relationship and interaction with the main participants.

GTA 5 LCN Stock Market LCN market listing What stocks to buy in GTA 5
The BAWSAQ stock market and the pricing of it depends on all the participants who currently participate in GTA 5. Besides Rockstar and its decisions also have an impact on the stock exchange. It is worth noting that this stock market in GTA 5 is active only when connected to the Internet.

GTA 5 BAWSAQ Stock Market BAWSAQ Market listing BAWSAQ stock exchange
Recommendation of the professionals and experienced gamers — complete all the missions associated with robberies before you start making money on stock market in GTA 5. Successful completion of these missions will allow you to get enough money in order to take an active part in trading on the stock exchange.

The missions where you can earn

Mission "Assassination — Hotel"

In order to earn money with this mission, before starting to play it, you need to buy stocks of the BettaPharmaceuticals (BET) company on the BAWSAQ stock market. Use all available funds for this. Then you pass the mission. After the 4 days from the moment of successful completion of the mission, sell the company's shares, but the price raise of 81.5%. Thus, you can increase your capital by almost a half.

Mission "Assassination — 4 targets"

The mission about the shares on the stock market in GTA 5 - Debonaire Cigarettes
In order to earn with this mission, before starting to play it, you need to buy stocks of the Debonaire Cigarettes company on the LCN stock market. After that, proceed to play the mission. When the mission succeeds, expect 2.5 hours and visit the Liberty City National stock market. Here we are interested in the shares of the Redwood company. Watch out for their price and in that moment, when it drops to $50, sell all the shares of Debonaire Cigarettes you have available on hand. Use this money to purchase the shares of Redwood. After 4 days, the price of shares of the company will rise on 290–305%. For the consoles the price may begin to take hold even to 327%. At this point, sell all of its shares.

Mission "Assassination — Pane"

For most earnings in this mission, experienced gamers suggest to play it only after the main story campaign will be passed.

The entire capital that we have at the moment, we use to purchase shares of the company Fruit (FRT) on the BAWSAQ stock market in GTA 5. This is the gaming equivalent of real "Apple" company. Successfully pass the mission. Upon its completion, the share prices of Fruit will increase by 25% for PC and 50% for the consoles. At this point, sell all of its shares, and use the money to buy shares of the Façade. This is the gaming equivalent of Microsoft. After 8 days passed, the price of shares of the company would rise to the high level, representing an increase of 33%. This is the best moment for sales and good earnings.

Mission "Assassination — Bus"

Before this mission, go to the stock market BAWSAQ and remember the price of shares of the company Vacid. But do not buy them for now. In this mission, we wouldn’t do as we did all the previous times. Here you must first kill the target, and only then go to the BAWSAQ stock market. We buy the shares of the company Vacid on this stock market in GTA 5. However, this should be done only when you will see that the price dropped twice compared to the original price that you noted before playing the mission. After 7 days of purchase passed, the price of these shares would grow almost doubly. Now sell your shares and increase the capital.

Mission "Assassination — Construction"

As in almost all previous missions before playing this mission we buy shares. Now we purchase the stocks of the GoldCoast company on the LCN stock market in GTA 5. After the mission the price of the shares of that company will rise to 80%. This is your opportunity to earn good money.

Additional missions from Lester and how earn money with them

There are also additional missions from Lester, successful completion of which will allow you to increase your capital.

In one of these missions you need to drive a business analyst to the airport of Los Santos who will be waiting for you on the highway near the Chumash town. However, before doing that, you must buy all the Tinkle shares on the BAWSAQ stock market in GTA 5. Your passenger will give you a valuable information about trading. After that, wait for one day and sell all your purchased in advance Tinkle shares. So your capital will be about one and a half billion dollars.

In addition, you can access the market at any moment and participate actively in the auction. To make a successful trade, you need to choose the company which stock prices are constantly growing. After the purchase of shares of such company, wait until the price reaches a maximum, and immediately sell the stocks (this will happen as soon as the price of shares will decline). As the stock markets in real life, the GTA 5 stock market also has its corporations and their antagonists. This means that when stock prices of one company are falling down, the price of the antagonist company's shares begin to grow. The knowledge of these companies and their antagonists will help you to make money on stock market in GTA 5.

Slaughter, Slaughter & SlaughterBullhead
Clucking BellTacoBomb

Another great way to earn money is to buy shares of the company AugeryInsurance. After making this purchase, you need to burn and destroy all the vehicles in the city. You will immediately notice how your assets grew.

A tip: to make the playing time pass faster, just make your character to sleep.

As well we offer you a list of abbreviations that are used on the stock market in GTA 5:

  • ARK — Animal Ark
  • AUG — Augury Insurance
  • BAN — Cool Beans
  • BEN — Bean Machine
  • BRG — Burgershot
  • BIL — Bilkington
  • BOL — Bank of Liberty
  • BOM — BobMulet
  • BUL — Bullhead
  • CLK — Clucking Bell
  • DEB — Debonaire
  • DOP — Dollar Pills
  • ECL — eCola
  • EMU — AirEmu
  • FLC — Fleeca
  • FUS — FlyUS
  • GAS — Gastro Band
  • GCD — GoldCoast
  • GOP — GoPostal
  • GRU — GruppeSechs
  • HAF — Hammerstein and Faust
  • HJK — Hijak
  • KRP — Krapea
  • LFI — Liveinvader
  • LOG — Logger
  • MAX — Max Renda
  • MAZ — Maze Bank
  • MER — Merryweather
  • MOR — Mors Mutual Insurance
  • POP — PostOP
  • PROP — Prolaps
  • RAI — Raine
  • RIM — Richards Majestic
  • RLS — Radio Los Santos
  • RWC — Redwood
  • SSS — Slaughter, Slaughter, and Slaughter
  • TBO — Taco Bomb
  • UNI — Vanilla Unicorn
  • UPA — Up-An-Atom
  • VAG — Vangelico
  • WFM — World Wide FM
  • AMU — Ammu-nation
  • BDG — Badger
  • BET — Betta Pharmaceuticals
  • BFA — BF
  • BIN — Binco
  • BLE — Bleeter
  • BRU — Brute
  • BTR — Bittersweet
  • CNT — CNT
  • CRE — Crevis
  • DGP — Daily Globe
  • EYE — Eyefind
  • FAC — Facade
  • FRT — Fruit
  • GOT — Grain of Truth
  • HAL — Hawk and Little
  • HVY — HVY Industries
  • LSC — Los Santos Customs
  • LST — LST Transport
  • LTD — LTD Oil
  • MAI — Malbatsu
  • PIS — Pisswasser
  • PMP — Pump n Run
  • PON — Ponsonbys
  • RON — Ron Oil
  • SHK — Shark
  • SHR — Shrewsbury
  • SHT — Schyster
  • SPU — Sprunk
  • SUB — Suburban
  • TNK — Tinkle
  • UMA — Ubermacht
  • VAP — Vapid
  • VOM — Vom Feuer
  • WAP — Dept. Water and Power
  • WIZ — Whiz
  • WZL — Weazel
  • ZIT — Zit

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