July 4 - Double awards in GTA Online!

Double GTA money and RP in GTA Online

No matter where you are from, this week you can celebrate American Independence Day, with its inherent grandeur and pageantry, in Blaine County and Los Santos. Rockstar Games, by tradition, is going to celebrate this event in a big way, allowing all players to receive a double reputation points (RP) and GTA money for all the missions in GTA Online. This wonderful event will start on 3 June and will last all the holiday weekends, up to 6-th inclusive.

To mark this event, merchants around Los Santos will join its range of festive items from the content pack Independence Day Spacial and will announce a 25% discount on everything, including monstertrak The Liberator, Sovereign motorcycle, an improvised rocket launcher Firework Rocket Launcher and ammunition thereto, and a whole bunch of red-white-and-blue clothing: hats, shirts, masks and more.

Fill up your Bank account before the upcoming update I'll Gotten Gains: Part Two, by means of double mission rewards and a whole list of special online missions available within the Independence Day Special. This list includes four Patriotic mission, during which players will have to jump with a parachute, to race and to win the real team deathmatch.

For those who wants to quickly climb the criminal hierarchy of Los Santos, all the missions in GTA Online this weekend, will give double points RP.

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