How to create an explosion in GTA SA

To start, we will need the Sanny Builder v3.04
And library CLEO (3 or 4).
So, let's start!
Open Sanny Builder and select File/new
Now we will create the explosion. Create a new script and write in it:
// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann ( on 13.10.2007

{$VERSION 3.1.0027}
{$CLEO .cs}


All scripts are always begin with this. Next, write opcode:
0000: NOP
wait 1000 // This is the milliseconds, in this case, I chose 1000 MS, you can choose as many as you want.
Then write:
:NONAME_2 // Create a stream.
wait 0
if and // we check.
not Actor.Dead($PLAYER_ACTOR) // Check whether there is a player.
not Actor.Driving($PLAYER_ACTOR) // This means that the player is not in the car.
jf @NONAME_2
if // And again, we check.
0AB0: key_pressed 71 // And this is key, clicking on which will happen some action. Here I chose the key “G”.
You can choose whatever you only replace 71 on any digit from the list of keys.
Here's the entire list:

Backspace 8
Tab 9
Enter 13
Shift (both) 16
Ctrl (both) 17
Pause 19
Caps Lock 20
Esc 27
Spacebar 32
Page Up 33
Page Down 34
End 35
Home 36
(left arrow) 37
(up arrow) 38
(right arrow) 39
(down arrow) 40
Insert 45
Delete 46
0 48
1 49
2 50
3 51
4 52
5 53
6 54
7 55
8 56
9 57
A or A 65
B or b 66
C or c 67
D or d 68
E or e 69
F or f 70
G or g 71
H or h 72
I or i 73
J or j 74
K or k 75
L or l 76
M or m 77
N or N 78
O or o 79
P or p 80
Q or q 81
R or r 82
S or s 83
T or t 84
U or u 85
V or v 86
W or W 87
X or x 88
Y or y 89
Z or z 90
(left Windows key) 91
(right Windows key) 92
0 (numpad with Num Lock on) 96
1 (numpad with Num Lock on) 97
2 (numpad with Num Lock on) 98
3 (numpad with Num Lock on) 99
4 (numpad with Num Lock on) 100
5 (numpad with Num Lock on) 101
6 (numpad with Num Lock on) 102
7 (numpad with Num Lock on) 103
8 (numpad with Num Lock on) 104
9 (numpad with Num Lock on) 105
* (numpad) 106
+ (numpad) 107
- (numpad) 109
. (numpad) 110
/ (numpad) 111
F1 112
F2 113
F3 114
F4 115
F5 116
F6 117
F7 118
F8 119
F9 120
F10 121
F11 122
F12 123
Num Lock 144
Scroll Lock 145
; 186
= 187
, 188
- 189
. 190
/ 191
` 192
[ 219
\ 220
] 221
' 222

jf @NONAME_2
0650: destroy_particle 10@ // This is the effect of the explosion.
jump @NONAME_9 // Jump on NONAME_9.

:NONAME_9 // Create a new thread.
wait 500
04C4: store_coords_to 2@ 3@ 4@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 10.0 0.0-0.4 // And this is already the explosion.
020C: create_explosion_with_radius 0 at 2@ 3@ 4@ // Is the radius of the explosion.
0948: create_explosion_at 2@ 3@ 4@ type 3 camera_shake 1
0565: create_soundless_explosion_at 2@ 3@ 4@ type 3
wait 200
064B: 10@ = create_particle "RIOT_SMOKE" at 2@ 3@ 4@ type 1 // this command Also can be attached effect RIOT (it's a little smoke after the explosion).
064C: make_particle 10@ visible
jump @NONAME_2 // AND jump to the beginning of the NONAME_2.
Now click on: Start/Compile
After you save the compiled file format .cs, then just drop it in your folder CLEO: GTA San Andreas/CLEO
That's all!!!
Start the game in the game press the G (eng.) and enjoy!
You can also this script to make fun of the ballas or cops! XD

The author of the article RedLine

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